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Distance Healing ~ The Truth of The Aether;

The One
Dielectric Medium ~ Qualitative ~ Non-Quantifiable ~ Non-Linear ~ Non-Local

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#1 TraumEZ

If this is the only Energy-Healing Subscription you purchase... this is the one! Protect your family from the toxic energy/information fields around their phones somewhat and really cheaply if buying a 5 subscription bundle.
Hit The Three Buttons at least once a day to feel their respective boosting effects (via the TraumEZ app on phones)
Follow the steps they describe to receive maximum benefit (click Guidebook)


Imagine having an incoming higher-consciousness vibrational ENERGY that makes your space feel wonderful. FLFE is a leading-edge technology that activates a high-consciousness energy field (through quantum association). Powerful benefits include:

  • EMF Mitigation – Harmonize any consciousness-lowering EMFs emitted from devices.

  • Clearing Negative History – Remove residual negative energy from homes, objects, or phones.

  • Health & Wellness Support – More life-force energy for the body.

  • Anti-stagnation – Clear old, stagnant energies.

  • Plus, so much more!

Try it for FREE with no credit card!

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#3 Quantum Upgrade

Distance Healing is a form of Energy Healing that works through Entanglement, connecting the healing energy and the patient through The Aether, regardless of physical distance. Experience the benefits of this powerful healing modality from the comfort of your own home.

Devices to Have With You


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#2 Blushield

High Powered Scalar Energy
Natural Frequency Patterns
Nothing Warms a Room Like Blushield

Your body will "tune-in" to Blushield and "tune-out" non-native EMF.

Click: Learn About Passive vs Active EMF Protection

A legit company that modulates the transverse EMF itself. Generally a less powerful modality than scalar, but the only really good option I've found for this dimension of protection. Also Hertzian has a Scalar component. Change the Hertzian and change the Scalar.

Holographic Non-Native Emf Harmonization

What they call Diffraction


#4 Smart Meter Covers

Smart Meter Safety

I think it’s worth it to cover those smart meters if you live right next to it. I don't mean to fear monger, and scalar is literally more powerful than these normal emfs… but those smart meters man…. you can feel that incoherence so clearly. So i still keep this cover on my list, but at the bottom of my suggestions.

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